Tatums Closet is an online community and events company created to inspire, entertain and inform any pet lover out there. We want to share amazing or simply adorable stories about any animal, reptile out there. We hope to pass on cool new dog park locations to delicious pet friendly treats that we have created over the years. Things like pet doggie biscuits, cat treats or just quirky facts about horses. Anything animal related we love.
The mission of http://www.tatumscloset.com is simple. We want to explore and share everything that is new and exciting whether it be new cool places I have visited ( usually take my dog with me hee hee) new people I have met along my journey or share what we have learned about how it feels to rescue a helpless animal that just needs love and a home. A lot of what you will be seeing is pet related- We just love Pets. All kinds of pets.
Featured pets- we welcome any pictures and funny captions or stories you want to post about your pets. We are going to start running contests to see who has the funniest or most adorable pet around. There will be a new winner every month. That chosen person will win a beautiful pet picture frame designed exclusively by our friends at http://www.lscaccessories.com They are the leader in designing and manufacturing when it comes to pet picture frames and pet wall decor. They make the most amazing collages and pet wall decor items. They are always a featured guest on Wayfair or Zulilly. So look out for them.
I want the readers of Tatums Closet to share their personal pet stories. If you’ve been on a journey and took your pet, let us know the details. I just took my dog hiking to red rock canyon in Las Vegas and he loved it! I will be posting pictures of this for all to see.
So please spread the word about Tatums Closet, grab some coffee or tea, whatever makes you smile and lets just talk! I welcome ideas, comments (nice ones especially). If you have something negative to say I’m fine with it, just be cool about it and it’s all good.
Thanks, your friend!
from lat. manus – “hand” and scribo – “I write”) ]
text carrier and protective
Since manuscripts are subject to deterioration
At the same time, many antique
At the same time, many antique
Since the era of Charlemagne
55 thousand Greek, 30 thousand Armenian
new texts were rewritten
book about the chess of love “, created by
among them acquired “Moral
Western Europe also formed
bride, Julie d’Angenne.
(palimpsests). In the XIII-XV centuries in
consists of the book itself
among them acquired “Moral